The Green World Fund supports the various projects of the Adena Institute and related initiatives. Below is a short list of projects and links to more background on them:
- Sustainability Living and Learning
- SustaInable Business and Community Networks
- Sustainable Neighborhoods Project
- Design / Media Synergy Initiative
- Center for Community Communications
- Community Communications Working Group
- Open Media
Most of the projects we are supporting have been simply documented on several sites, which in turn have links to many of our partners and affiliated projects.
To learn more:
Next Steps: Sustainable Design/Media Synergy
The Sustainable Design/Media Synergy strategy extends the current Adena program in significant ways. Design/Media was over the past decade through the Adena and Gaia networks at a series of trainings and roundtable conferences in participating communities and online. For those interested in participating, we can provide more technical documents and access to the work and partnering as it moves forward.">Contact.